St Giles Society Limited (known as the Organisation hereinafter) delivers quality services to participants and their families, across Tasmania, with a focus on timely intervention, within our resources.
We recognise that participant’s and their families are central to St Giles’ core business and believe that respectful communication and interaction with participants and families is integral to effective service delivery, with specific consideration taken to participant cultural, spiritual and religious beliefs.
Service delivery is driven by St Giles’ NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission Registration, which provide clear frameworks for the Organisation to comply with. Our policies govern our operational practices and a strong supervision and training program ensures appropriately skilled and competent staff are employed to deliver contemporary evidence informed programs, enhance participant experiences and ensures that participant goals are met through outcome based approaches.
We value innovation and regularly review our existing services and their effectiveness, assess if there are services gaps and opportunities for improvement to our services.
In the delivery of participant services, we will ensure:
Referral for Services
Here at St Giles, we are committed to ensuring that participants and their families experience an uncomplicated referral and intake process that is thorough and transparent, and addresses their individual circumstances, needs and preferences.
Referrals can be completed via our website, and can be completed by participants, or completed on their behalf by their nominated representatives and/or family members.
Upon receiving a referral, the information is assessed to determine the scope of services required to meet the identified needs, and whether we are able to assist. If we are not in a position to accept the referral, participants and families will be notified and informed of the reasons why.
We endeavour to respond to and acknowledge referrals within ten business days.
Waitlist Management
All accepted referrals are triaged and prioritised to facilitate timely intervention proportionate to the identified needs outlined within the referral. In some instances, participant referrals will be placed on a waitlist.
Waiting times vary based on service demand, clinical resources and clinical indications, and workforce capacity.
We review our waitlists on a regular basis, and endeavour to maintain communication with participants and families as to the status of their referral and provide any immediate advice or resources available, whilst waiting for services to commence.
Participant Outcomes
All employees have an oblgitation to promote positive participant outcomes when delivering services and supports. This is achieved St Giles’ ability to operate within sound corporate, and clinical governance frameworks that promotes a quality and safe service delivery model.
Our Allied Health service is supported by a dynamic practice administration team, skilled allied health assistants and corporate services, allowing our therapists to focus on their area of speciality. Our therapists are committed to identifying the most appropriate support strategies and therapies, and prescribing equipment utilising evidence-informed practices, whether this be external or internal to St Giles resources when considering the needs of participants.
Our Assistive Tech service specialises in assessing and supplying assistive technology equipment, delivering a holistic approach towards the provision of equipment. Therapists are committed to sourcing the best possible solutions to meet the identified needs of participants and are not obliged to purchase equipment from within St Giles.
Our Support Services service is underpinned by a robust operational workforce and corporate services, allowing for our skilled support workers to focus on assisting participants and families work towards their and achieve identified goals and maintaining positive health outcomes.
Our workforce are encouraged to remain proactive and considerate of those they are working with and/or supporting, and actively contribute to enhancing participant experiences and the continued success of St Giles on-going.
High Intensity Supports
Within our scope of services for Support Services, St Giles delivers a range of high intensity supports that
includes, but is not limited to;
Please note that St Giles does not offer services pertaining to tracheostomy or ventilator management, as we currently deem this to fall outside of scope for our support workers.
These high intensity supports are outlined within the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators that St Giles must adhere to as part of our NDIS Registration.
St Giles will work with participants and their families to ensure appropriate documentation and support plans are in place that outline the support requirements and identifies how risks, incidents and emergencies will be managed, including required actions and escalation to ensure and maintain participant health and wellbeing.
This documentation is a key element in ensuring appropriate staff knowledge and skills can be acquired, which in some instances requires individialised staff credentialing for procedures and support tasks that are deemed invasive.
All employees who are to be credentialed in invasive procedures and support tasks are required to hold and maintain their Medication Endorsement Certification which comprises of several nationally recognised training modules and competency assessments. Further to this, support workers must understand the scope in which they are operating and not act outside of these parameters. An exception to this is where an employee holds higher qualifications such as a Registered or Enrolled Nurse, who is engaged with St Giles in that specific role and therefore acting within the scope of their employment.
Continuity of Services
St Giles recognises that participants and families have the right access to timely and appropriate supports and services without interruption, and we address this through managing day-to-day operations in an efficient and effective way to avoid disruption.
Alternative arrangements for the continuity of supports and services with participants and families are delivered in a way that is appropriate to meet the identified needs, preferences and goals and are communicated and agreed to prior either through effective support planning and/or in direct response to a disruption or pre-empted impact.
In addition, our Executive Leadership Team maintains oversight of all activities relating to emergency planning and disaster preparedness activities within our settings. Leaders are equipped and kept informed of all business continuity efforts and risk mitigation strategies implemented to maintain quality and safe service delivery.
Service Cancellation and Refusal
We respect and acknowledges that there are times where services may need to be cancelled and direct participants and families to the St Giles’ Cancellation Policy.
Participants have the right to refuse services offered. Where this is the case, we require the participant to notify us if services are to be refused and provide reasoning. Refusal of a service will in no way preclude the participant from using services at a later date.
St Giles reserves the right to refuse on-going services and must provide reasoning to the participant and all involved stakeholders, within a 24 hour period.
Emergency withdrawal of services may occur if there is;
Right to Advocacy Support
Participants have the right to, and are encouraged to access advocacy services, and may choose to be supported by an independent advocate. Brochures detailing how to obtain advocacy services are available. Staff will assist participants to contact advocacy services as required.
The four Tasmanian advocacy services are:
Service Exit and Re-entry
Where a participant chooses to exit the service, they are treated fairly and respectfully, without discrimination.
Contact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team to discuss your service delivery and/or the services we offer;
St Giles Society Limited Post Office 416, Launceston TAS 7250
Phone: 1300 278 445
Email: info@stgiles.org.au
Version 10 14 July 2023
Visit our STATEWIDE THERAPY SERVICES page to see what services, programs and support StGiles can offer. Remember, for more information and advice on how StGiles can support in your situation anytime, please…
You may have a number of different appointments with doctors and specialists – so start a notebook of all conversations and appointments. Keep all documents together in a single folder – you will need to keep receipts, invoices, forms etc…
Every case is unique. StGiles can help you identify the services to meet your needs and the best funding option available for your situation.
Funding options include:
If you are eligible for the NDIS, it may take several months for your funding and Plan to be approved. StGiles can assist you with NDIS plan co-ordination and management (including some or all of the funding including financial, legal and administrative requirements).
Once you have an approved NDIS Plan, it is up to you to choose a Disability Service Provider(s). StGiles offers an extensive range of services for both adults and children living with disability. Our services can be tailored to meeting individual needs, delivered individually or as a package, and can change as your needs evolve.
At StGiles, we see the ability within. The best outcomes are achieved when we focus on your potential and your goals.
Start your journey with StGiles today..